Thursday, February 23, 2012

Do Not Track

It looks like there may be some claw-back on targeted online advertisements.  The industry is getting behind a Do Not Track policy, in an attempt to get in front of legislation proposed by the White House, and to appease pressures overseas.  Yet, as this article points out, this new policy is rather limited in its scope, and internet companies are still planning on collecting and selling consumer data.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Social Media Misuse

Here is an interesting article on the instances in which companies have either fired or disciplined some an employee for their misuse of social media.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Latest news about data use

Here's an interesting story that goes to the heart of what we have been covering in class.  It discusses how different companies are increasing the ways in which they collect and use data about their users.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gawker Media

Here is a link to the Gawker Media ad rates. This gives you some idea of how advertising is handled in an internet network.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Apple's statement about suppliers

Like many Safari users, my browser launches with Apple's homepage.  I've noticed they have added a section on "Supplier Responsibility."  If you click through you find that it addresses issues like "Labor and Human Rights" and "Worker Health and Safety."  Clearly they are responding to the recent criticism of the manufactures they use in China; the photos seem to suggest as much.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Image Advertising/Apple

We discussed the original Apple Mac ad in class.  It is a classic example of image advertising.