Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh, what a feeling! Toyota!

Here's a post that appeared on Gawker about a Toyota viral campaign that went wrong.  As you can read, the campaign attempted to "punk" people into thinking they were being stalked by a criminal via email.  Somehow this was suppose to generate buzz for the Matrix.  The campaign was targeted to "20-something males," but a woman was unknowingly signed up for the campaign by a "friend."  She is now suing Toyota, and a judge has ruled that the company may be guilty of fraud in how it represented the campaign in email exchanges.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Types of blogs.

Wil Wheaton dot Net is an example of a diary blog. Kotaku.com is an example of a topical blog, focusing on video games. Talking Points Memo is a political advocacy blog, with a decidedly liberal slant. BoingBoing.net is a link blog, and it links to a variety of digital material.